Could It Be Even More Snow?!

Good morning powder hounds! Wow! What a day we had at the Bowl yesterday with DJ Serena Kim in the house! DJ Serena had the lodge thumpin’ and brought down the house for our first Unlikely Riders/MiddFire event! Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for all of our apres-ski sessions every Friday during night skiing. Worth Mtn., Sheehan, and the Disco Carpet will spin at their scheduled times with 19 trails open.

We’ve got a 50% chance of snow for today with around a foot more in our 10 day forecast, so keep those snow dances going, they’re working! It’s going to be cloudy and cold today with a high near 5 and windy, with wind chill values as low as -23. So bundle up, put in your toe warmers and get up here to get some turns in with us to kick off your weekend.

If you haven’t already, download the Ski Middlebury App in the Apple or Google store to stay connected with us!

Uphillers can access both Worth Mtn. and Sheehan routes, just stay clear of any work on the mountain including snowmaking on Ross and groomers.

See ya on the slopes!