Fist Bump Your Lift Mechanic Today!

Good morning powder hounds! We always throw out accolades to our tireless snowmaking crew for keeping us on snow in the worst of conditions, but today our hats go off to our lift mechanics who have tirelessly spent hours upon hours chasing down an electrical issue on the Worth Mtn. Chair and have solved the mystery! Worth Mtn. will spin today with a little powder from yesterday’s continuing stream of the white stuff placed freshly on top of those 11 accessible trails! Sheehan and the Disco Carpet will also spin at their scheduled times with 19/25 open trails.

The cold continues to grip New England, but there’s a reason Vermonter’s are the toughest (not to mention the best!) skiers around. Sunny skies will shine on us today with a high near 11 and wind chill values around -13. That’s balmy my friends compared to the past couple of days, so pick up a new Snowbowl buff and some hand/toe warmers in our ski shop, grab a cup of Snowbowl Chili in the cafe to warm your soul, and don’t miss out on some of the best skiing of the season so far!

And remember, if you haven’t already, download the Ski Middlebury App in the Apple or Google store to stay connected with us!

Uphillers can access both Worth Mtn. and Sheehan routes, just stay clear of any work on the mountain including snowmaking on Ross and groomers.

See ya on the slopes!